The Artscape Theatre is celebrating Heritage Month with free virtual performances

September 7, 2021


All the productions aim to spark a conversation about diversity in South Africa.

September marks Heritage month in South Africa, which is a time to reflect on the country, where we come from and where we are going. To celebrate this month, the Artscape Theatre has decided to host a virtual performance series, for free!

As with most of the Artscape’s concert series, these productions are all tied together through a central theme: that of diversity. The organisers have said that they hope the productions open frank conversations between South Africans about inclusivity. 

Which shows can you look forward to? According to the Artscape Theatre Centre’s website, the festival will kick off with Dance Can Dance, a production inspired by award-winning choreographer, Elvis Sibeko’s album Dance Can Dance The Spirit of Enchantment.

“Dance Can Dance tells native stories through cinematic orchestra music through an Afro-Fusion style of dance. Mantis and The Bee will also show at Artscape’s Heritage Festival. This children’s show will explore /Xam mythology in a humorous and comedic way. This show will be a thrilling comedy adventure,” the program reads.

The Kingdom of Ubuntu, written by award-winning dancer, Elvis Sibeko will also be on stage at the festival. Back in 2019, this very production was staged at the Artscape and theatre lovers praised it for its creativity.

Writer and academic, Richard Rive is celebrated in My World! Redesigning Buckingham Palace, another show to hit the planks during the virtual festival. It is described as “a salute to District Six, the heart of Cape Town ripped out because it stood out in the way of grand apartheid fantasies.”

The virtual Artscape Heritage Festival will take place between 16 September and 31 October and will be free for everyone to watch. All the productions will be available on the Artscape Theatre Centre website.