Lady Gaga is offering a R7M reward for the safe return of her dogs after they were stolen

February 27, 2021

Someone shot her dog walker and took her bulldogs in Hollywood earlier this week.

Lady Gaga is offering a $500 000 (R7 474 300) reward for the safe return of her two bulldogs who were stolen earlier this week. They were stolen on Wednesday, 24 February 2021 after a gunman shot her dog walker in Hollywood, Los Angeles. 

Footage of the attack was captured on CCTV cameras and in it, one can see a sedan slowly approach the dog walker, before a gunman got out and shot the dog walker with a semi-automatic rifle. The dog walker is currently in hospital, but his condition remains a mystery at the time of writing this article. 

Lady Gaga has since offered a reward for the return of her dogs named Koji and Gustav. A third bulldog, named Miss Asia (who has her own Instagram account) ran away and was later recovered by police. Lady Gaga is currently in Rome working on a movie. 

Her management team said people with information on the dogs’ disappearance can email, “no questions asked”.

Some people on the internet have lashed out against Lady Gaga for offering such a high reward for the return of the dogs, but not for the capture of the attackers.

It is not yet known if the dogs were stolen because the perps knew that they belonged to Lady Gaga. In the USA, a sudden spike in the theft of French Bulldogs has started to emerge. These thefts usually involve a violent attack on the people walking the dogs. 

Warning: this video contains material that is violent.